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Free screening of Al Gore's film on climate change

NEWS RELEASE VELORUTION ************************* Are you concerned about global warming? Join us for a screening of Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth.


Are you concerned about global warming?

Join us for a screening of Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth.

The film will be followed by a discussion about how we can make a difference personally and locally.

If there is enough interest, we hope to form an local action committee to address our most pressing environmental issue today.

WHEN: Friday January 19, 8 p.m.

WHERE: VĂ©lorution 162 Old Garden River Road

Free Admission

For more information contact André Riopel

Phone: 942-3119 253-9388

Please RSVP (phone or e-mail) limited seating

Door prize for all who arrive by muscle power.


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