An online film presented by the Friends of Temagami, a non-profit organization that advocates for the conservation of wilderness ecosystems in Temagami, is finally ready to be released.
The documentary, called Save Wolf Lake, was directed by Franziska Brand and Sarah Paul of Red Tent Media. As you watch the film, you can journey with adventurers, scientists, historians and environmental activists all seeking to protect Wolf Lake, the largest known red pine old growth forest in North America. A panel discussion of the past, present, and future issues at Wolf Lake will follow the film.
“We are very excited about this event. It has been nine years in the making,” said PJ Justason, president of Friends of Temagami.
The film will premiere on Thursday, Mar. 11 at 7:30 p.m. EST and can be viewed by visiting Friends of Temagami’s YouTube channel. It can also be viewed on their Facebook and Twitter page. Viewers will have the opportunity to ask questions using the comment sections.
At one time, red pine old-growth forests spanned across eastern North America. Today, only 1.2 per cent of that old-growth forest remain, said Justason in a news release issued by Friends of Temagami.
Wolf Lake old growth red pine forest is located in the northeast corner of Greater Sudbury, and stands as a rich but fragile ecological gem. In 1999, the government of Ontario committed to protect Wolf Lake. However, mining claims and leases prevented its inclusion into the Chiniguchi Waterway Provincial Park and mining exploration activity continues in this fragile ecosystem. The film will discuss these issues in further detail.
The trailer for Save Wolf Lake is now available on YouTube.
Despite the province slowly reopening and the Algoma region sitting in the yellow zone, Saultites are still encouraged to continue following COVID-19 guidelines and stay home as much as possible. In fact, many of us are staying inside and online now more than ever.
So each week, SooToday will share some of the virtual events taking place to help you make the most of these unprecedented times and have fun safely at home.
If you or someone you know is planning a local virtual event (concert, class, celebration, etc.), send the details to [email protected].
Other events taking place this week include:
CAFC's Annual General Meeting
Mar. 10
The Central Algoma Freshwater Coalition’s (CAFC) annual general meeting will be held online this year on Wednesday Mar. 10 from 7:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. EST. If you would like an invitation to join this Zoom conference meeting, send an email to [email protected] indicating you wish to attend.
Northern Lights: Virtual Planetarium Show
Mar. 12
Enjoy the radiance of the night sky with a tour of the science behind one of nature’s most remarkable light shows: the Northern Lights. This virtual show will take place live on YouTube by the UWM Planetarium on Friday, Mar. 12 at 8 p.m. EST. Upon registration, you can select a payment of your choice ($0, $5, or $15) and the YouTube link will be emailed to you.
Mini Eggs Chocolate Easter Parfait Workshop
Mar. 14
Join Lorena from Bake it Up by Lorena and learn how to make this fancy yet simple dessert that you can make for yourself or with your kids. Choose your favourite candy, layer it with chocolate ganache and chocolate cake and you’re done. This is the perfect way to get in the mood for Easter. After getting your free ticket you will receive the recipe and shopping list in your inbox before the event on Sunday, Mar. 14 at 1:30 p.m. EST. This workshop will be Live on Bake It Up! Facebook Page and Instagram.
Free Paint Night - Cheers to St. Paddy's Day
Mar. 17
Join Vera from Artist’s Palette Durham Region and learn how to paint a St. Patrick’s Day themed painting featuring green beer, four-leaf clovers and pots of gold. This paint night is free of charge and will be held virtually via YouTube on Wednesday, Mar. 17 at 7 p.m. EST. All you need is a canvas of any size or media art paper, acrylic paints of primary yellow, blue, red, black and white, and a few brushes of different sizes.
Have an event coming up? Add it to our Community Calendar here.
Did we miss something? E-mail us at [email protected].