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ECSSM offers help to aspiring artists

NEWS RELEASE ENTERPRISE CENTRE SAULT STE. MARIE ************************* Enterprise Centre Sault Ste Marie presents a Business Development Series for Local Artists Enterprise Centre Sault Ste.



Enterprise Centre Sault Ste Marie presents a Business Development Series for Local Artists

Enterprise Centre Sault Ste. Marie, in conjunction with The Creative Community Development Group, will be presenting a three part business development series for local artists.

The sessions will be available at no charge to the local arts community.

The series is ideally suited to artists, crafts people, musicians, writers, hobbyists, and individuals who would like to improve their business skills in three areas that are critical to success: 1) professional sales, 2) starting a business, and 3) marketing and networking

The three part series will begin Monday April 16th, with the focus of the seminar/workshop being on development of professional sales skills.

The event will focus on each aspect of the process in selling a product or service.

The session will cover topics such as: building rapport with customers, asking the right questions, adding value to your creations or service, overcoming objections and closing the sale.
The following two events will focus on starting a home based, or free standing business as an artist, and marketing and networking skills.

Topics focused on in these events include: forms of business ownership, business plan preparation, record tracking and bookkeeping, low cost ways to market your product or service, art exhibition do’s and don’ts and how to take advantage of networking opportunities.

All sessions will take place at the Sault Ste. Marie Holiday Inn, Thompson Room at 7:00pm.

The sessions will last between one to two hours.

The dates for the series are Monday April 16, Thursday May 10, and Monday May 28.

Registration is limited. Refreshments will be served.

To register, or for more information on the sessions, contact John Moore, Small Business Advisor with the Enterprise Centre at (705) 541-7329, or by email at: [email protected] .

About Enterprise Centre Sault Ste. Marie (ECSSM)

Enterprise Centre Sault Ste Marie’s mandate is to assist people in the evaluation and process of business start up and to provide stability and early-stage growth support to small business.

ECSSM’s services are available at no cost.
