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Alberta House changes up the annual show

Calls artists to Celebrate 350: Past, Present and Future of the Eastern Upper Peninsula
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The Olive Craig Gallery in Alberta House Arts Center has always had an Annual Juried Exhibition but, in a bow to the Sault’s 350th Anniversary Celebration, the show will be different this year.  

The gallery is looking for work that considers “the past, present or future of the Eastern Upper Peninsula”.  This show is non-juried and open to all. All that is required is that the work be original and the artist’s own—not a reproduction or from a pattern or kit.  

Prints must be hand pulled. All work must be ready to hang or display.

Artists may submit up to two works in any medium, for a $10 fee.  Work doesn’t have to be for sale, but if it is, the gallery will take a 30 per cent commission. There will be, as usual, multiple awards.

Important dates are:  May 29 to 31:  Work may be dropped off at Alberta House between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.  

Shipped work must arrive by 4 p.m. on May 31.

June 1:  Exhibit Opens

June 9:  Reception and awards ceremony.  7 to 9 p.m.

June 30:  Exhibit closes at 4 p.m.

July 3 to 14:  Pick up work at Alberta House.      

Applications may be downloaded from the Sault Area Arts Council website or here.  For more information e-mail:  [email protected]


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