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A New Hop: Festival of Beer returns this spring after 2-year hiatus

Event takes place on May 14 at the Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre
Beer Glasses
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Following a two-year hiatus, the Sault Ste. Marie Festival of Beer returns this May to the Canadian Bushplane Heritage Centre, states a news release issued by Loplops.

Tickets for the event, which highlights craft breweries from across the province, are available online.

Full text of the release follows:

The Sault Ste. Marie Festival of Beer, ‘A New Hop’, returns Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Bushplane Museum.

In a Galaxy Hop far far away, Imperial Forces of the Ga-lactic Acid Empire have invaded the Milky Stout Way and threaten to take over the planet Nabrew. Luke Dryhopper leads a small team of Jed IPA Brew Masters to bridge the black hole of socializing created by the deadly Rona V, while Hop Solo and the droid c2psi try and save Princess Lager from the evil Darth Malt.

May the fourth(teenth) be with you!

Following a two-year hiatus resulting from pandemic related restrictions, we are looking forward to a celebration that is set to be out of this world! Returning to the Bushplane Museum, we have opted to host this event in May in order to take advantage of the warmer weather and enable an indoor/outdoor experience on the St. Marys River.

“The global pandemic has been a long two years for a lot of people,” said organizer Stephen Alexander of Loplops. “I feel that people are now hopeful about things again and this will be a social celebration for the ages.”

The inaugural Sault Ste. Marie Festival of Beer kicked off in 2012 and quickly evolved into  a “must attend” event for beer enthusiast. Back for its 10th run, the event will host upwards of 20 Ontario craft breweries, representing over 100 different beers. Attendance has grown steadily over the past 10 years, and the event now sees hundreds of craft beer lovers mingling between the planes, exploring and experiencing the latest brews from their favourite breweries.

Tickets are available now online and include the souvenir SSM Festival of Beer sample glass and four sample tickets to get things flowing. Additional sample tickets can be purchased on site.


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