There was something fishy about Fred.
And it wasn’t just that Fred was a fish.
First, Fred developed a fondness for hot cacciatore sausage.
That led him to flee his palatial pond and follow an angler to his abode.
Gradually, Fred learned to survive on air, a fish out of water.
Converted to a landlubber, he hardly ever had to take the plunge. Sounds bass-ackwards, but it’s true.
But Fred always kept one wall-eye open for a fellow pond-dweller that blub-blubbed with a Russian accent.
And, sadly, one day Fred met a tragic end.
Think you know what happened?
Hooked and want to reel in the surprise ending of The Tragic Tale of Fred the Fish?
Here’s what to do:
Read the (almost) complete story of Fred the Fish at
Email your best guess about Fred’s fate to [email protected].
You could win a free book.
Then come to the Roberta Bondar Pavilion on Saturday, Aug. 11, between 3:30 and 5 p.m., and find out whether Fred’s fate was the frying pan or some other flippin’ thing.
Sault Ste. Marie writer Tom Mills will hand out copies of the full story during his book-signing session as a featured author in the Northern Ontario Book Fair.
Mills is the author of a humour book, Sex is a Four-Letter Word and Other Misconceptions.
The second annual book fair is in town Aug. 10-12 in association with the Fringe North International Theatre Festival.
Other feature authors are Nevin Buconjic, Jennifer Barone, Darren Edmond and Emma L.R. Hogg of the Sault, J.M. Cleminson of Batchewana First Nation, Kirsten Wreggit, formerly of Richards Landing and now living in Calgary, Patricia C. Lee of Elliot Lake, and J.L. Fizzell of Timmins.
All will have book-signing sessions. Their books and those of other writers from across Northern Ontario will be available for sale at the book fair.
For more information about the book fair, visit
To find out more about Fringe North, offering an arts extravaganza from Aug. 9 to 19, visit