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No, Muio's is not closing for good, owner says

Rob DiRenzo says his family could decide to sell the venerable Sault Ste. Marie institution, but that decision hasn't been made yet
20180103-Mid-Week Mugging Muio's modern day street shot-DT
Exterior of Muio's Restaurant at the corner of Queen and East Streets, Jan. 3, 2018. Darren Taylor/SooToday

Rumours and hearsay suggesting that Muio’s Restaurant has permanently shut its doors are just not true, according to the owner of one of the most beloved eateries in Sault Ste. Marie. 

Rob DiRenzo released a statement to SooToday Friday morning – debunking an erroneous online article published the day before – in order to set the record straight with the public. Our newsroom reached out to DiRenzo directly Thursday after the article in question was being passed around on social media as truth. 

“I have never mentioned that we are closing permanently, which seems to have been ‘confirmed’ by some people that I have no relationship with or have anything to do with the restaurant. It was disappointing on many levels to say the least,” he said in the statement. 

Although the ‘news’ of Muio’s permanently closing was both false and unverified, DiRenzo goes on to say that the pandemic has been disastrous for Muio’s. 

“Presently we are closed temporarily until myself and my family decide if we want to continue to operate. The pandemic has been a disaster for us," said DiRenzo. "If not for the fantastic efforts of our scaled-down staff, we would surely be closed."

DiRenzo shares with SooToday that illness and loss within his family, combined with his own health issues, has placed them in a position in which a decision has to be made in terms of what direction they take going forward.

“It is possible that we will sell. It certainly won't be decided by anyone else but me and the family,” DiRenzo said. “Thank you for allowing me to hopefully clear up the nonsense. The support we received from the community yesterday was unbelievable and greatly appreciated.”

“I am sorry for all the confusion and lack of answers. I take responsibility for that. I have to apologize to my family and friends for the worries and countless questions and messages they received.”

DiRenzo says he’ll go to SooToday with information should any further developments arise.


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