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LETTER: PC candidate for Sault Ste. Marie is 'political hack'

'I feel compelled to voice my dissatisfaction with this selection process' writes reader

SooToday received the following letter critical of the Progressive Conservative candidate for Sault Ste. Marie.

I am writing to express my concerns regarding the candidacy of Chris Scott for the Ontario PC party in Sault Ste. Marie. It has come to my attention that Mr. Scott has never held a real job outside of the political arena, as evidenced by his LinkedIn profile, which is predominantly filled with political experience.

This raises significant questions about his qualifications and understanding of the everyday challenges faced by residents in our community or Northern Ontario.

Moreover, Mr. Scott has not lived in, nor does he have any familial ties to Sault Ste. Marie, which further distances him from the lived experiences of our citizens. His background suggests that he may be more of a political hack than a genuine representative for our riding.

It is disheartening to see that Premier Doug Ford has “hand-picked” this candidate without considering the input and preferences of local riding associations.

As a concerned voter, I feel compelled to voice my dissatisfaction with this selection process. It is crucial for us as constituents to have candidates who truly understand and represent our community’s needs rather than being seen as pawns in a larger political game. Therefore, I have decided to cast my vote for the Liberal party in hopes that we can secure a better candidate in future elections.

Let us not allow Doug Ford to overlook the voices of Sault Ste. Marie residents; we deserve representatives who are committed to serving our interests rather than merely advancing their political careers. Please replace this candidate selection with a more northern Ontario candidate soon.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Aurora Figlio
Sault Ste. Marie