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LETTER: Blood donation clinics should return to Sault

'I'm sure I'm not the only former donor in this city who would gladly donate blood if the clinics were held here again,' letter writer says
blood donor AdobeStock_201346429
Stock image has received the following letter to our readers from a reader who had been a regular blood donor for nearly 50 years until Canadian Blood Services (CBS) stopped travelling to Sault Ste. Marie in 2019.
I was a regular blood donor for close to 50 years before CBS stopped their travelling clinic in Sault Ste. Marie in 2019.

Now I'm expected to drive to Sudbury to donate. And they are pleading for donors. Instead of paying for each donation, why don't they reinvest in the travelling clinics?

I would happily go and donate again.

But the current gas prices make no sense for individuals to drive a round trip of 600 km.

I'm sure I'm not the only former donor in this city who would gladly donate blood if the clinics were held here again.

Carol McLean



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