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Charrette, Freida



September 28, 1950- January 7, 2018

I Wish You Enough

I Wish You Enough Sun
To Keep Your Attitude Bright
I Wish You Enough Rain
To Appreciate the Sun More
I Wish You Enough Happiness
To Keep Your Spirit Alive
I Wish You Enough Pain
So That Even The Smallest Joys In Life
Appear Much Bigger
I Wish You Enough Gain
To Satisfy Your Wanting
I Wish You Enough Loss
To Appreciate All That You Possess
I Wish You Enough "Hello's"
To Get You Through the Final "Goodbye."

It's been 6 years Mama. Not a day goes by that you aren't thought of. I miss you so much, I honestly don't know how I've gotten through it without you. I love you past the moon and stars and back again times infinity, xoxo.

All my Love