Your friendly neighbourhood Mushroom Farmer
I was inspired in 2017 listening to Paul Stamets 'Biodivercity is Biosecurity - strengthening foodwebs using mycological solutions' podcast explaining how healthy and vital to human survival these gourmet mushrooms can be. I've always wanted to be a part of helping my local community and it took a while to find a niche that our city was lacking and I resonated with but mushrooms are a perfect fit!
I feel very strongly about when Paul says 'If you knew that every breath you took could save hundreds of lives in the future, had you walked down this path of knowledge, wouldn’t you run down that path of knowledge as fast as you could?'
I'm doing this for the community of Sault Ste. Marie. I love producing super healthy mushrooms that are available to everyone. I'd like to thank you in advance for supporting me along my journey!