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Centre d'éducation et de formation pour adultes (CÉFA)

Le Centre d’éducation et de formation pour adultes (Adult Education and Training Center) is Sault Ste. Marie’s only French adult learning centre. CÉFA is here to serve the community's needs; whether it be helping individuals improve their French for their job; to make them more marketable or helping businesses train their employees. We also offer French as a Second Language courses and many more services in French.


Founded in 1991, the Centre d'éducation et de formation pour adultes (CÉFA) is a non-profit organization that provides education and training services to adults in Sault Ste. Marie. Since the beginning, we have been offering free training to the francophone community in order to help them achieve their personal, emplyment and academic goals. 

Today, we continue to provide training for Francophones and Francophiles in language development, GED preparation and various workshops. For those who want to learn French, we offer French as a second language courses. CÉFA also provides staff training to employers who are mandated, or who wish to offer services in French.

We remain the only French adult education center in Sault Ste. Marie. Our priority is to meet the needs of the community by helping them thrive. Small groups and qualified instructors provide a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere.

Our funding comes from the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development and Employment Ontario for the implementation of their Literacy and Basic Skills program.


Our students and clients are our “raison d’être”. All our programs and services are designed for their benefit. We work to empower learners to take control of their training. We partner with a variety of businesses and community organizations to expand and support individual learners' education.


CÉFA adopts approaches and methods that focus on the needs and interests of learners based on learning outcomes.

CÉFA is a place for training as well as cultural, social and economic development.


Our People