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Social Services adapts services to help those struggling during COVID-19 pandemic

Overflow shelter will soon be ready; additional support available for food or cleaning supplies

The district of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services is quickly adapting to serve those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are working diligently to address financial, shelter and food needs for the most vulnerable in our community.

Emergency assistance coverage: Ontario Works recipients that require help can contact their case manager and request additional supports to purchase food or cleaning supplies as a result of COVID-19. Community members that require additional financial supports may apply and access special emergency assistance for up to 48 days. This benefit is distributed through the local Social Services Ontario Works office: [email protected]

Overflow shelter services: Social Services has reached an agreement with the City of Sault Ste. Marie to lease the former Steelton Seniors Centre for $1. Renovations have begun on the facility, as it will soon be an overflow shelter, with space for social distancing or self-isolation. Social Services has also been in contract with other local hotels and motels to discuss other more shelter options.

Food security: This is a growing issue for our community during this difficult time. Social Services has been working very closely with the food banks. Harvest Algoma recently distributed a load of fresh food to the food banks and will provide a second delivery this week. Additionally, Social Services purchased 1,500 meals from local restaurants that are being distributed through the food banks. The District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board met recently to approve the purchase of a truckload of canned food goods. This purchase is scheduled for arrival in April.

Social Services is interested in purchasing food from local restaurants. Please contact us at [email protected] should you be interested in helping feed those in need.
