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Simple punctuation error results in grant disqualifications, says Chamber

Applications automatically rejected if period was missing in 'Sault Ste. Marie'
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A technical glitch resulted in the automatic disqualification of a number of provincial grant applications, the Sault Ste. Marie Chamber of Commerce stated in a notice issued today.

"Upon investigation, we were advised that applications were being automatically disqualified if the period (.) was not included at the end of 'Ste.' in 'Sault Ste. Marie' when identifying the region of the application," the notice says. "It appears that the omission of the '.' was resulting in the region not being recognized by the online system and automatically returning a 'disqualified' response for the funding or the subsidy being applied for."

The issue has since been resolved, the Chamber says.

Area businesses who applied and were disqualified for any of the following programs are encouraged to resubmit an application:
    •    Ontario Small Business Support Grant
    •    Ontario's Main Street Relief Grant: PPE support
    •    Property tax and energy cost rebates

More information about these programs can be found here.