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North Shore Health Network waives parking fees at Blind River site

Asks that only patients requiring urgent care visit the emergency department
06-24-2019 ET north shore health network
Kris Svela for ElliotLakeToday

BLIND RIVER - Recognizing the exceptional circumstances surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the North Shore Health Network has suspended all parking fees at the Blind River site, effective April 14, 2020.

As a token of appreciation for the continued efforts of our workers and providers, April parking fees will also be waived.

It is requested that patients only visit the emergency departments at this time if in need of urgent care.

Individuals experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, including fever, chills or weakness, new or worsening cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, runny nose and/or joint aches are encouraged to contact the NSHN COVID-19 Assessment Centre through either of the following methods:

  • Call 705-356-2265 or toll-free 1-888-425-0321
    • Blind River location: ext. 2661
    • Thessalon location: ext. 2662
  • Submit the online form

If you are feeling unwell and not sure if you should be tested, call Telehealth Ontario (1-866-797-0000) or call Algoma Public Health (1-866-892-0172 ext. 5404). If you need immediate medical attention, please call 911 and mention your travel history and symptoms.
