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Blind River Health Team makes changes to accommodate those needing urgent care

Those with non-urgent appointments will contacted to cancel or amend this appointment to a virtual appointment.
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BLIND RIVER - Due to the current and impending COVID-19 pandemic, we will be making temporary changes in the way we deliver your care. Our goal is to minimize potential exposure to as many people as possible, while freeing up resources to attend to those who require urgent care.

Starting immediately:
    •    booking of physician appointments will be done through his/her physician’s office directly
    •    if you have an appointment scheduled currently, you will be contacted to cancel or amend this appointment to a virtual appointment.

Additionally, we will be reviewing our schedules and incoming appointments – those that can be accomplished safely by telephone or a virtual visit (via OTN) will be booked as such. Those patients with needs that are of a more urgent nature and require an in-person visit will be offered this option.

In order to help reduce the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we ask for your cooperation. If you have mild respiratory symptoms (cough), fever, have travelled outside of the Algoma District, or have had contact with someone with respiratory symptoms and has travelled, you should self-isolate for 14 days and contact Algoma Public Health at (705) 759-5404 or 1-866-892-0172 ext. 5404 and they will let you know if testing needs to be completed.

Do not present to clinic or the hospital emergency department.  

If you are experiencing SEVERE COVID-19 symptoms (specifically SHORTNESS OF BREATH/DIFFICULTY BREATHING) please go to your local emergency department – if possible call ahead or CALL 911 and inform them of your symptoms including travel or close contact with someone with or presumed to have COVID-19. DO NOT PRESENT TO CLINIC.

If you have any questions about COVID-19 or if you are unsure of whether you need to self isolate please call the Algoma Public Health Unit at (705) 759-5404 or 1-866-892-0172 ext. 5404 or call Telehealth Ontario for medical advice at 1-866-797-0000.

As a community, our responsibility at this time is to minimize the virus spread and the impending impact on our healthcare system. If you are able to delay your elective medical appointments, we urge you to do so. We also ask that you do not attend the EMERGENCY ROOM unless it is a clear EMERGENCY.

In regard to our greater social obligations, we urge you to wash your hands and just stay home. Please reconsider attending public venues, events and travelling. The more successful we are at social distancing, the best chance we have at minimizing the impact of this virus. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through difficult times. These changes will be regularly assessed and are in place until further notice.
