Recoveries continue to climb faster than new cases in Ontario.
Public Health Ontario reported 203 new cases today, which is a 0.6 per cent increase to the total number of cases reported to-date.
The province also noted 505 new recoveries, which is a two per cent increase in the total number of recovered cases.
There are 12 more deaths reported today. The latest victims include six people aged 60 to 79, and six people over the age of 80.
Of the total 31,544 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in Ontario, 2,487 people have died (7.9 per cent), 25,881 people are now recovered (82.1 per cent).
There are, however, more deaths reported by the Ministry of Long-Term Care. The ministry’s update today indicates there have been 1,772 residents of long-term care facilities who have died due to COVID-19 and seven staff. Public Health Ontario has reported 1,600 deaths of long-term care residents and five staff deaths.
There are 3,176 active cases of COVID-19 in the province and 538 people are hospitalized, including 120 in intensive care and 87 patients on ventilators.
Since the last report from Public Health Ontario there have been 24,341 tests processed at labs in the province.
There are 11 known active cases of the virus in Northern Ontario.
In Northern Ontario, the Thunder Bay District Health Unit has the highest number of confirmed cases. The Porcupine Health Unit, which covers Timmins and the surrounding area, still has the highest rate of confirmed cases per 100,000 population.
Today's provincial report includes data from Jan. 15 to June 10 and includes the rate of confirmed cases per 100,000 population. Data included on resolved cases and last known confirmed is from each health unit's respective website. The breakdown for Northern Ontario health units is:
• Algoma Public Health - 21 cases, rate of 18.4 per 100,000 population. The health unit has reported 22 cases, 21 of which are resolved. There is one active case.
• North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit - 27 cases, rate of 20.8 per 100,000 population. The health unit has reported 29 cases. Of those, 28 are resolved and there has been one death.
• Porcupine Health Unit - 65, rate of 77.9 per 100,000 population. The last confirmed case was May 10. Of the confirmed cases, 57 are resolved and seven people have died. There is still one known active case of the virus.
• Public Health Sudbury and Districts - 64 cases, rate of 32.2 per 100,000 population. The last positive test was reported May 14. Two people have died, and the rest of the known cases are resolved.
• Timiskaming Health Unit - 18 cases, rate of 55.1 per 100,000. The last positive tests were done April 28. All of the cases are resolved.
• Thunder Bay District Health Unit - 85 cases, rate of 56.7 per 100,000 population. There are 80 resolved cases and one person has died. There are four known active cases, two which are hospitalized.
• Northwestern Health Unit - 27 cases, rate of 30.8 per 100,000 population. There are 22 resolved cases, and 5 known active cases.
The Ontario rate of infection per 100,000 population is 212.2.