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The water wolves of Algoma country

In this week's Outdoors in Algoma we learn that Algoma Country is an epicenter for trophy northern pike angling worldwide
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Fly anglers will testify, for the most part, it’s all about the take. Watching a fish eat a fly! Many (though not all) fly fishers will spend hours, days, and even longer amounts of time tying flies, creating works of art. Flies designed to entice that take.

To see a fish attack a creation you hand tied yourself—to commit, and expose its vulnerability to eat, at all costs—is an adrenaline rush few can turn away from. The take is addictive, all-encompassing, and an image many of us see when we close our eyes.

In fresh water, there are few apex predators that rival that of the northern pike. Fly anglers who make the conscious choice to target northern pike exclusively understand the value of the take.

Value of time invested in travel, resources spent, finances invested, and time logged to release a trophy northern pike. When it comes to northern pike, it’s the take that makes it all worthwhile.

A northern pike’s behavior is something to behold. They openly lay in wait, anticipating the moment where they can eat. They are consistently hungry and always wary. Always ready to attack.

Algoma Country, in the heart of Northern Ontario can be considered one of the epicenters for trophy northern pike angling worldwide. Seemingly countless lakes, rivers, and bays play canvas to the ongoing hunt of northern pike.

- Mark Melnyk

Read the full article about fishing for northern pike in Algoma



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