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On-trail versus off-trail riding in Algoma

In this edition of Outdoors in Algoma, examining the pros and cons of on-trail versus off-trail riding in Algoma country
18-12-06 Outdoors in Algoma
Photo provided

The Algoma region is unique when it comes to snowmobiling in northern Ontario, as it's one of the few places in the province that offers (and actively promotes) both on-trail and off-trail riding, or “Boondocking” as it’s known.

Despite both options for riders, the majority of us Ontarian’s have been indoctrinated over time to believe the only kind of sledding one should participate in, is on OFSC (Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs) sanctioned trails.

While this might appeal to a large percentage of the population, a small but die-hard segment of enthusiasts crave the adventure of fresh powder and the “free riding” that lies beyond staked boundaries of a groomed trail.

With another winter riding season on the horizon, I thought it would be interesting to examine the pros and cons of these two vastly different types of riding, so you can be fully informed to give you the best riding experience next time you head out to the mighty Algoma region.


"Always ride within your limits, file a travel plan with a buddy, and never, and we mean never, ride outside the stakes of an OFSC-sanctioned trail."

- Virgil Knapp

Read the full article about on trail vs off trail riding in Algoma



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