Saturday classes resume at 10:00 am to about 11:30 am (9:45 arrival) for beginner/newer Scottish Country Dancers, at St Basil Catholic Elementary School (250 St Georges Avenue East). Suitable for all ages.
Scottish Country Dancing, a healthy and fun activity enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds in Scotland and across the world? Dancers are normally grouped in sets, typically of three, four or five pairs arranged either in two lines (partners facing each other) or in a square.
New participants are welcome to attend - we learn and review the steps and dance formations each week ... so, if you have anyone you think would like to try Scottish Country Dancing, please bring them with you! No previous experience or partner is needed, and all ages are welcome. Please bring soft-soled indoor shoes with you. The cost is $15 for the year (Oct-May). If you're coming to try it for the first time, the first three lessons are free.
For more info all Leslie at (705) 942-9821.
250 St Georges Avenue East