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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Multiple Counts of Possession & Breach Last evening a vehicle stop resulted in the arrest of a 36-year-old male. At approx. 9:20 PM City Police stopped a vehicle on Wellington St.W. and located a quantity of drugs inside the vehicle.
Multiple Counts of Possession & Breach

Last evening a vehicle stop resulted in the arrest of a 36-year-old male. At approx. 9:20 PM City Police stopped a vehicle on Wellington St.W. and located a quantity of drugs inside the vehicle. The drugs found in the vehicle included: Ecstasy tablets, Crack Cocaine and Oxycontin tablets. The driver of the car, James Vincent Newton, age 36, of 506 Wellington St. W. has been charged with:

1. Possession of a Substance – 4 counts
2. Possession for the Purpose of Trafficking in a Substance.
3. Breach of Probation
4. Breach of an Undertaking – 3 counts

Mr. Newton will be appearing in Bail Court at 10:00 AM today.

Another Copper Wire Thief Caught

At approx. 1:50 PM yesterday afternoon City Police arrested 20 year old Brian Dickson, of 13 Cedarwood Dr. and charged him with three counts of Theft Under $ 5,000.00 and three counts of Possession of Stolen Property under $ 5,000.00. It is alleged that during the months of July and August the accused along with several other males did steal quantities of copper wire from Red Star Electric, Great Lakes Power and the site of the new Windmill Farms. It is believed that the accused did steal in excess of 1500 lbs of copper wire from the three locations. The accused will be appearing in court on Monday October 23 at 9:00 AM.

Four Break & Enters

City Police were called to investigate four break and enter complaints in the past 24 hours. Break-ins were reported to residences in the: 1300 block of Great Northern Rd (home furnishings stolen), the
100 block of Admiral Dr. (liquor and jewellery taken), the 100 block of Westridge Rd (electronic equipment taken) and the 300 block of John St. (unknown at this time what was taken).

Attempted Vehicle Theft

City Police received two calls yesterday regarding attempted theft of vehicles. Culprits attempted to steal vehicles in the 300 block of Landslide Rd. and the 100 block of Princeton Dr. Vehicles were not stolen but did suffer damage.