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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Assault Charges Laid A 25-year old male will appear in bail court this morning after being arrested yesterday afternoon.
Assault Charges Laid

A 25-year old male will appear in bail court this morning after being arrested yesterday afternoon. It is alleged that the accused assaulted his ex-girlfriend by grabbing her by the throat and pushing her to the ground as well as punching the victim in the face. The incident occurred at an east end residence. The accused has been charged with one count of assault.

Impaired Driver

Last evening just before midnight officers observed a vehicle exit southbound on Great Northern Road without any headlights on. It is alleged that the vehicle also swerved across the road towards the curb and back into the lane it was originally traveling in. The vehicle accelerated, still with no lights on, and was stopped by officers on lower Pim Street. When officers approached the driver it is alleged that he was under the influence of alcohol. 45year old Gerard Smith of 62 Cambridge Place was arrested and charged with one count of impaired driving and one count of consume over the legal limit. He will appear in court on December 4th.

Impaired Driver going the Wrong Way On Wellington

Around 3 am this morning officers on routine patrol were traveling southbound on Bruce Street at Wellington Street East. It is alleged that a vehicle was driving the wrong way on Wellington Street East in the middle of the road and the officers observed this. The vehicle was stopped and it is alleged that the accused was under the influence of alcohol. Subsequently 45-year old Kenneth Trudeau of 578 Espanola, Ontario was arrested and charged with one count of impaired driving and one count of consume over the legal limit. He will appear in court on December 4th.

City Police received a number of break and enter reports in the last 24-hour period:

1) Around 6 am yesterday morning Source of Sports on Great Northern Road was broken into. Thieves made off with a large number of items of clothing.

2) A residence on Gladstone Avenue was broken into but it is unknown at this time if anything was taken.

3) A residence on Gillies Street was entered yesterday afternoon and an X-box, DVD’s and two controllers were taken.

4) A residence on Goulais Avenue was entered yesterday between 1 pm and 9 pm. It is unknown at this time if anything was taken.