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Tuesday, June 8, 2004

PROJECT KICK-START: Last week the Sault Ste Marie City Police Service announced the start up of a unit, dedicated to a problem oriented policing approach.

Last week the Sault Ste Marie City Police Service announced the start up of a unit, dedicated to a problem oriented policing approach. The unit started with their first project, “Kick Start”, where this 4-officer unit targeted traffic violations in school zones, main thoroughfares, intersections and the International Bridge. The officers issued a total of 115 Provincial Offence Notices, mainly for speeding and intersection related offences. This imitative resulted in 2 drivers being charged with driving while disqualified, and the unit also assisted at a fatal motor vehicle accident scene.

There was a notable reduction in the number of speeding infractions in the targeted areas as the week progressed. The unit will continue with Project “Kick Start” this week, which will also include “Ride Checks” as part of their duties.


On the 5th of June at approximately 11:30 am a lone female robbed the IDA Drugstore in the Station Mall. The female presented a note to the staff demanding drugs. The staff turned over an undisclosed amount of prescription drugs. No weapon was used. The suspect then fled the store leaving through the Mall entrance.

The suspect is described as being in her late 20’s to early 30’s, with a light to medium complexion. She was wearing a blue jacket with buttons, white pants, and a blue ball cap, that appeared to have long dark hair tucked underneath it.

If anyone witnessed this robbery, or has information on the identity of the female, they are asked to call the Investigation Services Section of the City Police at 949-6300 ext 360 or Crime Stoppers at 942-7867.


A 19-year-old-male will appear in bail court today on domestic related charges after City Police responded to a disturbance in the Station Mall. It is alleged the male spit in the face of the victim, was yelling and screaming obscenities at the police and security officers, kicked the car door of a vehicle in the parking lot, overturned a garbage can, as well as resisting arrest. The male also threatened to harm the victim. He was charged with one count of assault, one count of threatening, one count of resist arrest, one count of cause a disturbance by swearing and 2 counts of mischief.


A 14-year-old young person will be in bail court today to face one count of breach of probation and one count of failing to comply with an undertaking. The accused failed to comply with his undertaking when they didn’t abide by a 9 pm curfew. The youth also breached their probation by not being good.


David Faubert, age 34, of 249 Lake Street, will appear in bail court today after he left phone messages for a male in which he threatened to beat the male up. He was charged with one count of threatening.


39-year-old Frederick Atkinson of 17 Abbott Street was arrested yesterday after police attended his address for a disturbance. Upon speaking with the accused it was learned that there was an outstanding warrant for the accused for theft under $5,000 and for failing to attend court. The warrant was issued after the accused failed to attend court on charges of stealing shoes from a business in the downtown area in April of 2003. He will appear in court on July 12th