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Tuesday, July 13, 2004

TAKING ABOUT BEARS At a City Council meeting on July 5th, Ward 6 Councillor Jason Collins and Ward 3 Councillor Bryan Hayes, requested the City call together officials from a number of agencies to have an information session regarding nuisance bears.
At a City Council meeting on July 5th, Ward 6 Councillor Jason Collins and Ward 3 Councillor Bryan Hayes, requested the City call together officials from a number of agencies to have an information session regarding nuisance bears.

As a result of this request, staff from the Sault Ste Marie Police Services and the Ministry of Natural Resources have gotten together and will host a Community Bear Wise Information Session.

The session will take place on July 22nd in the Pavillion at the Water Tower Inn from 7 pm to 9 pm. On the agenda will be a time period to allow for an information session and display area, a presentation on bear biology, the Bear Wise Program, roles and responsibilities and local solutions. There will also be a time period allowing for a facilitated question and answer session.

This information session is open to all residents of Sault Ste Marie who have an interest in managing our Community to minimize human-bear interactions.

Alexander Lynn Gibb, age 55, of 5-336 Albert Street West will appear in bail court today after city police responded to a call in the downtown area. A female was complaining of being assault and threatened by a male.

It is alleged that in the late evening and early morning hours of July 11th to 12th, the accused grabbed the victim by the arms and punched her in the chest area. The accused also threatened to throw the victim down the stairs. Mr. Gibb has been charged with one count of assault and one count of threatening to cause death or bodily harm.

Yesterday shortly after 6 pm, city police responded to 2 accidents during the very heavy rainfall.

In the first accident, Sunday Preece, age 24, of 379 Lake Street was turning right from Simpson Street onto Queen Street East when a 16-year-old cyclist, who was travelling eastbound on Queen Street in the heavy rains, struck the car. The cyclist was taken to the General Hospital for treatment of injuries. No charges have been laid in this matter.

In the second accident a van driven by Nick Dilabio, age 18, of 49 Bristol Place was attempting to turn left from Wellington Street East onto Pim Street, when it is alleged he turned in front of a pickup truck that was travelling eastbound on Wellington St East.

Shawn Harriman, age 24, of 24 Oregon was the driver of the pickup truck. Mr. Dilabio’s van struck a tree before coming to a stop. Vehicle damage is described as moderate to severe. Mr. Dilabio was taken by ambulance to the General Hospital for treatment of injuries. He was charged under the Highway Traffic Act for a turn not done safely.