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Thursday, October 19, 2006

One of Four Arrested UPDATE: 23-year old Nicholas Fata of no fixed address will appear in bail court this morning. The accused was arrested yesterday afternoon shortly before 5 pm in a residence on North Street.
One of Four Arrested


23-year old Nicholas Fata of no fixed address will appear in bail court this morning. The accused was arrested yesterday afternoon shortly before 5 pm in a residence on North Street. He has been charged with one count of robbery with a firearm, one count of break and enter and commit an offence and two counts of breach of probation.

After further investigation into the incident on North Street yesterday afternoon an adult female who was initially taken into custody has been released unconditionally and has not been charged with any criminal offence.

Two Females Charged with Assault

A 16-year old female and a 17-year old female were both arrested after midnight and charged with one count each of assault and the 17-year old accused was also charged with one count of breach of probation under the Youth Criminal Justice Act. It is alleged that the two accused person approached a female youth on Farwell Terrace and assaulted the victim by pushing her to the ground and kicking her. Both youths will appear in court on November 21st.

In the last 24-hour period two break and enters were reported:

1) A home on Edison Avenue was entered sometime during the early afternoon. A small undisclosed amount of money was taken in the break and enter.

2) Last evening between 7 pm and 9 pm a home in the 400 block of Wellington Street East was entered and a television and guitar were taken.

If you any information regarding the above break and enters or any others contact City Police at 949-6300 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.

Mischief to Vehicles

Yesterday City Police received a report of mischief to a vehicle that was parked on Central Park Avenue. A beer bottle had been thrown through the back window of the vehicle.