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Thursday, February 3, 2005

Reminder Yesterday afternoon a citizen called the City Police to report that they had received a phone call from a male advising he was from the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service.


Yesterday afternoon a citizen called the City Police to report that they had received a phone call from a male advising he was from the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service. The male advised he was calling seeking money to assist in investigations of child pornography. The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is not soliciting any funds at this time and would like to advise the public not to respond to any questions if you receive this type of call. Do not provide any credit card numbers and do not send any cheques if asked to do so. Hang up and report the incident to the City Police.

Tips To Prevent Theft

The Sault Ste Marie Police Service would like to remind businesses and offices to take steps to avoid unnecessary thefts. There have been a number of reports in the last few months of thefts from purses and offices during business hours. The following tips may help prevent someone from being a victim:
Be aware of any suspicious activity and report it immediately. This includes persons who just hang around the office area or those that come in and ask for persons who do not work there and seem nervous. They may be checking out the access to other areas in the office.
Report any incident where someone may be asking questions about the security systems or appears to be studying a specific area.
Be aware of persons hanging around stairways or corridors. These persons may be casing the area or looking for any patterns or routines in the staff.
To protect your privacy and safety purses, gym bags and personal possessions should not be left in any area where a thief could have access. Once a thief has your purse, they may have keys to your home and car, access to your credit cards, they will know where you live and they will know you are at work. If you must have your purse with you, lock it up. Do not just put it in a drawer or hang it on a coat rack. For males, do not leave your wallet in your suit jacket and leave your jacket in an area where the public could have access to it.
When entering or leaving the workplace via any access controlled systems, be aware of any person who may attempt to use the door for unauthorized entry immediately after you have opened it. If you are using a door that has a punch access code shield the numbers as you are entering them.

Youth Charged

A 14-year old youth will appear in bail court this morning after being arrested and charged with a number of offences shortly after midnight. The accused was observed outside of a downtown residence last night and when questioned by officers, the youth provided a false name to them. Officers were able to determine the youth’s correct name. A query of the youth revealed that the youth was on releases document with a curfew of 9 pm and another of 10:30 pm. The accused was also on probation with conditions as well. While at the police station the youth became upset while using a phone and smashed it thereby damaging it. The youth has been charged with 2 counts of breach of probation, 2 counts of breach of release documents, one count of obstruct police and one count of mischief.

Male Charged with Breach of a Release Document

[Charges withdrawn] will also appear in bail court this morning. It is alleged that the accused repeatedly communicated with a victim of his from another incident while on conditions not to communicate with the victim. [Charges withdrawn] has been charged with one count of breach of a release document.

Fraud Charges Laid

Officers from the Fraud Unit arrested 18-year old Crystal McCormick of 60 Pozzebon Crescent yesterday. It is alleged that the accused took 15 blank Western Union cheques from her place of employment and between September and February did cause a number of financial institution to act on those money orders as if they were genuine. The theft involved did not exceed $5,000. The accused has been charged with one count of theft under $5,000 and 8 counts of uttering forged documents and will appear in court on March 7th.

Domestic Dispute

A 57-year old female was arrested last evening after City Police attended at an east end residence for a domestic dispute. It is alleged that the female assaulted her common-law partner by pointing a knife at his throat and then hitting him in the side of the head with the knife. The victim received minor non-life threatening injuries to his hand. The accused has been charged with one count of assault with a weapon and will appear in court on March 7th.

Liquor Store Theft

26-year old Michael Abitong of 17 Grace Street was arrested around suppertime last night after he left the LCBO store in the Station Mall without paying for a bottle of vodka. The accused was apprehended by store security and turned over to City Police. The accused will appear in court on March 7th.