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Sault Police enforce clean-up of North Street property

Integrated Municipal Enforcement Team dispatched to 374 North Street on Thursday to enforce a city bylaw order; clean-up 'took place without incident'
Police were on scene on Jan. 4 to enforce the clean-up at 374 North St., a property that was the target of the Integrated Municipal Enforcement Team.

Sault Police were on scene yesterday to enforce the clean-up of a North Street property, keeping watch as municipal crews cleared the yard of debris and other items.

The house — 374 North Street — was the target of the Integrated Municipal Enforcement Team (IMET), a partnership between multiple agencies whose mandate is target bylaw, fire code and criminal infractions on local properties.

Officers attended the property on Jan. 4 at the request of city bylaw officers, according to a police news release issued today. It was the first IMET operation of 2024.

IMET is a partnership between Sault Police, Sault Fire Services, City of Sault Ste. Marie Building and By-Law, other local enforcement agencies, as well as the Housing Services division of the District of Sault Ste. Marie Social Services Administration Board.

"The enforcement-oriented team brings together all agencies with enforcement mandates, with the support of other partner agencies, to develop action plans to address a variety of community issues and concerns," the news release states.