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Report crime to us, not social media, police say

Sault Police respond to Facebook post regarding alleged parking lot sex assault
The above post has been circulating in local Facebook groups

The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service is reminding the public to report incidents of crime directly to them and not rush to social media to do so.

A Facebook post, which appears to have first surfaced late Sunday evening, says two males attacked and raped a 17-year-old girl in a downtown parking lot, asking anyone with knowledge of the alleged crime to contact police.

However, “the information described in this post is’s not true,” said Lincoln Louttit, Sault Police spokesperson, speaking to SooToday Monday.

“What is being alleged here is very serious. If you (the public) know of an incident you need to call the police and let us know. Social media is not the place to go to post information about a potentially serious crime. Contact the police and they will properly investigate it. People need to be careful about what they post on social media so they don’t create a bit of a stir for public safety, and also, contacting us enables us to conduct a proper investigation,” Louttit said.

Darren Taylor

About the Author: Darren Taylor

Darren Taylor is a news reporter and photographer in Sault Ste Marie.
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