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Monday, October 18, 2010

Domestic Related Arrests A 25 year-old male was arrested on the 17th of October by officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service and charged with two counts of breach of probation.
Domestic Related Arrests
A 25 year-old male was arrested on the 17th of October by officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service and charged with two counts of breach of probation. It is alleged that the accused was located on Huron Street in company of a female he was on probation conditions not to be with as a result of previous domestic related incidents. Further he was to keep the peace and be good.

Youth Arrested for Break and Enter and Resisting Arrest
A 16 year-old male youth was arrested by officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service on the 16th of October at 2:45 am on Moody Street and charged with one count break and enter, one count of resist arrest and one count of breach of probation. It is alleged that on the 16th of October at approximately 2:11 am the accused broke into a garage on Moody Street, stole a boot and then attempted to break into the home, but fled when he was confronted by a neighbor. The accused was located by police a short time later at his residence and when officers attempted to arrest him, he resisted. At the time of the incident the youth was on probation with conditions to keep the peace and be good.

Impaired Driver
At 7:10 pm on the 15th of October officers with the Sault Ste Marie Police Service arrested 41 year-old Tammy Schmidt of 1238 Wellington Street East on Albert Avenue and charged her with one count of impaired driving and one count of consume over the legal limit. It is alleged that on the 15th of October at 7:01 pm officers received calls about an impaired driver that was involved in a hit and run rear-end motor vehicle collision on North Street at the intersection of Northern Avenue and driving erratically, striking a road sign on St Georges Avenue East. Officers were able to stop the driver of the 1989 Ford Pickup on Alberta Avenue and at the time found her, the accused, to be under the influence of alcohol. The driver of the vehicle that was rear ended was not injured and both vehicles and the sign received minor damage. She is to appear in court on the 22nd of November.

Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 52 year-old Rene Lamarche of #3-125 Gore Street on the 16th of October at 11:25 am at Zellers at the Station Mall after he allegedly attended at the store and stole a bottle of Listerine. He was charged with one count of theft under $5,000 and is to appear in court ton the 22nd of November.

Two Motor Vehicle Pedestrian Collisions
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service investigated two motor vehicle collisions involving pedestrians over the past weekend with both drivers being charged under the Highway Traffic Act for Failing to Yield to a Pedestrian:
1) The first collision occurred on Friday at approximately 3:06 pm when the driver of a Dodge car that was travelling eastbound on Bay Street turned onto Bruce Street and allegedly struck a pedestrian that was crossing eastbound across Bruce Street with the right of way. The pedestrian was transported to hospital by ambulance for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The driver charged was 72 year-old William MacPherson of 74 Albert Street.
2) The second collision occurred on Saturday at 12:09 pm at Second Line West and Carmen’s Way. It is alleged that the driver of a Chev Pickup was merging from Carmen’s Way onto Second Line West at the yield sign and struck a pedestrian that was crossing westbound in the crosswalk with the right of way. The pedestrian was taken to hospital by ambulance for treatment of non-life threatening injuries. The driver charged in this collision was 26 year-old Alfonso Aceti of 636 John Street.

The Sault Ste Marie Police Service is reminding pedestrians and motorists of some basic Safety Tips to help keep our roadways safe:

There have been a number of collisions in the past few weeks involving motor vehicles and pedestrians. The collisions have been as a result of a combination of either drivers or pedestrians not yielding the right of way to each other. As both parties are utilizing the roadways they are reminded of their obligations under the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario. As a general rule, both drivers and pedestrians should be aware of each other and not take for granted the actions of each other. Extra caution and care should be used by both pedestrians and motorists at intersections and in and around areas where pedestrians are likely to cross the roadway.

Pedestrian Safety Reminder For Motorists
• Yield to pedestrians at crossings.
• Be patient, and especially with young children or elderly pedestrians who need more time to cross the road
• Be especially careful where children might be walking - near schools, day cares and pathways.
• Always watch for pedestrians, especially when entering an intersection, at night and while turning.
• Stay out of crosswalks when waiting at intersections - stopping here forces pedestrians into traffic. Stay alert
• Keep an eye out for pedestrians when turning, especially on one-way streets. While vehicles may only travel in one direction, pedestrians cross both ways.
• Slow down in residential areas.
• Stay off sidewalks.
• Slow down in school zones and watch for children who may not be watching for themselves
The penalty for failing to yield to pedestrians is $150.00 plus court fee and victim surcharge.

For pedestrians
• Cross at marked crosswalks or traffic lights.
• Always press the button for the walk signal. This alerts the signal equipment you are there and will increase the time to cross.
• Stay within the marked crosswalk.
• Do not cross between parked cars.
• Where there are no curbs, stop before the sidewalk meets the road and be alert to vehciles.
• Be aware of cars turning into the intersection;
• Don’t use any device that impairs your hearing or vision
• Wear bright clothing or reflective materials, especially at night.

Break and Enter Reports
• A residence in the 100 block of Southwood Drive was entered on Friday during the day. A television was reported stolen.
• A residence in the 600 block of Wellington Street East was entered on the 18th of October around 1:41 am. A PS3 and cash were reported stolen.
• A residence in the 1000 block of Queen Street East was entered on the 17th of October. An iPod, an Acer and a Toshiba Laptop were reported stolen.
• A residence in the 500 block of Parliament Street was entered ON Friday or Saturday. A 42 inch LG Plasma Television and an Xbox 360 were reported stolen.

Theft Reports
• Numerous Coke vending machines were broken into on the 14th-15th of October at the Dennis Street Mini-Mart. A large amount of change was reported stolen.
• A purse was stolen from a table at a local downtown bar on Sunday
• An envelope containing some cash was reported stolen from a desk area at a business on March Street.
• Numerous vehicles were entered in parking lots in the downtown area on Saturday and Sunday, on Pim Street and on Powley Road. Some of the items stolen included four purses, a Garmin GPS unit and cash.