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Monday, March 7, 2011

Mac’s Mart Robbery Investigation The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service responded to an armed robbery at the Mac’s Mart on Gore Street on the 5th of March at approximately 5:13 am.
Mac’s Mart Robbery Investigation
The Sault Ste. Marie Police Service responded to an armed robbery at the Mac’s Mart on Gore Street on the 5th of March at approximately 5:13 am. It is alleged that two males were involved with one of the males entering the store with a knife, demanding cash and cigarettes. The second male waited outside the store. The two fled with an undisclosed amount of cash and a pack of MacDonald's Special large regular cigarettes. Officers searched the area with negative results. No physical injuries were reported to the clerk. The male suspect that entered the store was described as 5'6, 130 pounds, wearing a black hoodie, dark pants, white running shoes and sunglasses. No further description was available for the second suspect. The investigation is ongoing.

Male Arrested for Impaired Driving and Possession of a Prohibited Weapon
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 24 year-old Brandon Horner of 123 Chicora Crescent on the 5th of March at 2:40 am on Bingham Street and charged him with one count of unauthorized possession of a weapon, one count of impaired driving and three counts of breach of probation. It is alleged that on the 5th of March at 2:32 am officers observed a vehicle driving erratically in the Bingham Street parking lot area.

The vehicle was observed losing control and striking a concrete pole in the lot. The driver attempted to drive off, but police were able to stop the vehicle and when they checked the driver, they found him to be under the influence of alcohol. Officers also located a CEW (Conducted energy weapon) in the vehicle. At the time of the incident, the accused was found to be on a probation order with conditions to keep the peace and be of good behaviour, a curfew to be in residence daily between the hours of 11:00pm and 6:00 am and was also not to communicate or associate directly or indirectly with a male who was a passenger in his vehicle.

Two Males Arrested During Vehicle Stop
Officers with the Sault Ste Marie Police Service arrested 26 year-old Michael Bjornaa of #2-28 Hughes Street on the 6th of March at 8:10 am on Blutcher Street and charged him with one count of disqualified driving and two counts of possession of stolen property. It is alleged that officers on routine patrol observed an eastbound Chevy Cavaliere go through the red light on Albert Street at Gore Street and stopped it. When they ran a check of the plates they discovered that they had been reported stolen on the 3rd of March. When officers searched the vehicle they found another set of stolen plates inside and the driver was found to be a prohibited driver. A 16 year-old male youth that was a passenger inside the vehicle at the time was also arrested when officers discovered he was wanted on an outstanding warrant. He was charged with one count of assault causing bodily harm and one count of breach of probation.

Male Arrested on Outstanding Warrants
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 19 year-old Jessie Roach of 59 Wolf Street, Garden River, Ontario on the 7th of March at 12:24 am on Frontenac Street and charged him with one count of fail to attend court. It is alleged that he failed to attend court on the 22nd of February.

Domestic Related Arrest
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested an 18 year-old male on the 4th of March at 10:45 am and charged him with two counts of assault, two counts of assault with a weapon, one count of threaten death or bodily harm and one count of mischief under $5,000. It is alleged that on the 4th of March around 10:20 am officers were dispatched to a domestic disturbance at a downtown residence. When they arrived they found that a female had been assaulted and threatened by her boyfriend. The accused also caused damaged inside the residence by punching holes in a wall. No injuries were reported.

Female Arrested on Outstanding Warrant
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 29 year-old Johanna Leveille of 156 Wallace Terrace (upstairs) on the 5th of March at 2:20 pm on an outstanding warrant. She has been charged with one count of fail to appear court from the 28th of February. She is to appear in court on the 4th of April.

Male Arrested on Outstanding Warrant
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 18 year-old Joseph Romano of 1028 North Street on the 4th of March at 11:10 am at the police station and charged him with one count of fail to appear for prints. He is to appear in court on the 4th of April.

Male Arrested for Theft at Place of Employment
Officers with the Sault Ste. Marie Police Service arrested 30 year-old Wayne Montgomery of 40 Ellis Road, Goulais River Ontario on the 6th of March at 7:40 pm at the police station and charged him with one count of theft under $5,000. It is alleged that on the 5th of March the accused stole approximately 100 pounds of copper wire from his place of employment. He is to appear in court on the 11th of April.