Through our online fundraiser you can multiply your donation instantly! When you make a $25 donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters through SooToday, we will also match your donation with our community partners! Max Matching Portion $500
# | Donation | Status | By | Date |
1 | $25.00 | Donated | Jason Scali | |
2 | $25.00 | Donated | Richele Robinson | |
3 | $25.00 | Donated | Patti Dinsmore | |
4 | $25.00 | Donated | Anonymous | |
5 | $25.00 | Donated | Smarterthanyou | |
6 | $25.00 | Donated | Smarterthanyou | |
7 | $25.00 | Donated | Smarterthanyou | |
8 | $25.00 | Donated | Smarterthanyou | |
9 | $25.00 | Donated | Anonymous | |
10 | $50.00 | Donated | summer77 | |
11 | $25.00 | Donated | Szymberski | |
12 | $25.00 | Donated | habs29 | |
13 | $25.00 | Donated | Wsag | |
14 | $25.00 | Donated | tanner1963 | |
15 | $25.00 | Donated | prince14 |
This auction closed on Friday, May 19, 2023 11:59:00 AM.
Closed on Friday, May 19, 2023 11:59:00 AM
BBBS creates individual and group mentoring relationships amongst adults and youth.
Mentorship is two-way, learning and development partnership where the young person needs are placed at the centre.
Because young people’s brains are still developing, mentoring can support that process through back-and-forth interaction like the volley in a good game of ping-pong.
Mentoring is an important way to give youth experience with these essential back-and-forth relationships, developing them into healthy young people better able to deal with and overcome life’s adversities.