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Dynowaves: the Sault’s surf rock band, releases new EP (4 photos)

'Big Sun' EP released for download today, but will also be on 12-inch vinyl in the fall

When you’re the only surf rock band in town, you are most likely in a class of your own. For James Moss, Jefferson Childs and Jamie Vincent, it just about digging that reverbed guitar sound and energy.

“We probably are the only ‘surf band’ in the town but I'm sure there are some other bands in town that cover bands like the Ventures and Dick Dale,” says Jamie Vincent, one of the guitar players for the band, who also doubled as the drummer for the recording sessions.  

“The only reason I played drums on [the album] is because there was nobody else to do it,” he says. “On the next recording, it will most likely be James Moss playing on it.”

The band has had a number of players of the years who are no longer in the band, but helped to develop their direction and sound as a band, including Brent Ellis, Aaron Reed, Louise Francine, Mitch Harris and Steve Edwards.

The concept of surfing or listening to surf rock in Sault Ste. Marie may seem far-fetched, but the band and its friends and followers don’t see it that way.

“Dude, you can totally surf in Lake Superior in the early winter months,” laughs Vincent. “I don't do it because that's crazy. Maybe one day we will have the gumption.”

Surf theme music emerged with surf culture that rose to prominence in Southern California in the early to mid-1960s.

Surf music evolved in two distinct ways, initially as instrumental music pioneered by Dick Dale, and then as a vocal-based music with layered harmonies, as popularized by the Beach Boys. Since then, surf music has had its share of ebbs and flows with an endless series of revivals which crossed over into punk and garage rock.

For Dynowaves, that early instrumental surf sound had the most influence on them.

“I connect most with the guitar on these songs,” says Vincent. “We pretty much just really dig that reverbed out, wet guitar sound and wanted to recreate it as best as we could.”

Local audiences have responded well to the band live.

“I imagine it connects with people because it's all instrumental and you don't have to pay attention to the lyrics,” says Vincent. “Jefferson [Childs] would say it's ‘theme music’ or ‘soundtrack music.’”

Dynowaves upcoming EP entitled Big Sun is the follow-up to 2018’s Sticky Fingers and the Coattails, which was more of a live off the floor sort of affair.

“I wasn't in the band at the time of that [previous] recording,” he says. “But once I heard it, I immediately wanted to be in the band.”

Vincent joined Dynowaves after the release of that previous album.

“We recorded the Big Sun in my basement and at Case's Music [where Vincent teaches] by Jefferson [Childs, who plays bass and guitar in the band],” he says.

“It was mixed by Dustin Goodall at Unsalted Audio and mastered by John Paul at The Rogue Music Lab.”

Vincent recognizes the challenge of releasing the album at a time when playing live isn’t an option.

“It's a bad time to release a record because we can't tour right now due to COVID, but we've been working on this record since February. It took a huge halt in March,” he says.

“[We] figured we should just get it done so we sent the tracks to Dustin [Goodall] in May and he mixed them in June.”

The EP is being digitally released for download on the band’s Bandcamp page today, but a 12-inch vinyl version of the EP will be available in the fall.

“I always like to release on the vinyl format simply because it's a huge piece of art that you can hold when you're listening and it just has a distinct sound,” says Vincent.  “As a band we are all vinyl collectors.”

Dynowaves will be taking pre-orders for the vinyl once it is sent to the duplication company. By then, they will reevaluate options for a performance to support the release.  

“Once it is safe to do a show, we will definitely have one for Big Sun,” says Vincent. “Who knows when that will happen?”

For up to date news on Dynowaves, follow them on their Bandcamp, Facebook or Instagram pages.


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