The Timmins Police Service responded to a call for service regarding a nuisance bear in a residential area of South Porcupine yesterday evening.
All reasonable efforts to remedy the situation without the use of lethal force were exhausted by the responding Timmins Police officers prior to the bear being dispatched.
The decision to dispatch the bear was reached in keeping with existing police policy and with public safety in mind.
Prior to police arrival on scene, a number of persons were allegedly pursuing and menacing the bear, which only served to aggravate the situation.
The Timmins Police Service is, as strongly as possible, urging people against indulging in this type of behaviour in circumstances involving nuisance bears.
In the past few weeks, the Timmins Police Service has responded to a number of bear calls that were resolved by simply allowing the animal to find its way back to the forest.
When persons choose to indulge in unsafe or aggravating activity in regards to a nuisance bear, the situation becomes less controllable and places the general public at unnecessary risk.
Furthermore, residents are reminded once again to be responsible with household items that tend to act as attractants for bears.
Careful storage of household garbage until collection day, responsible storage of pet food and the restricted use of bird feeders are good measures that will reduce the enticement for bears to attend your property.
Further information is readily available at the applicable “bear wise” or “prevent bear encounters” information portals with the MNRF.
The Timmins Police Service encourage all residents to acquaint themselves with the information that is readily available that will serve to enhance safety and reduce the impact of this current situation.