A private members bill passed with unanimous support this week that would see all of Ontario move clocks forward in March 2020, but then never move again.
If the bill passes, clock changes could soon be a thing of the past, and Daylight Saving Time would be here to stay.
Some experts agree with doing away with the twice-yearly time changes, but think sticking to permanent Daylight Saving Time could be problematic.
Dr. Tami Martino is Director of the Centre for Cardiovascular Investigations at the University of Guelph, she says we would see health benefits if we stick to a single-time year round.
But Martino suggests we stick to permanent winter time, rather than permanent Daylight Saving Time.
"It does mean you get a little bit less light at night, but from a health perspective, less evening light exposure in the summer might actually be better for synchronizing your biological clock," says Martino. "You'll go to sleep earlier, which means you'll be a little more rested when you wake up to go to work or to school."
She adds staying on daylight saving time may increase your risk of heart attack.
"We'll get more morning light exposure in the winter," says Martino. "Kids that are going to school won't have to stand as long in the dark waiting for their school buses, those of us who work in office buildings would experience complete dark days between when we go to work and when we come home unless we hold it back to Winter time."
Switching to one time all-year round wouldn't be unheard of here in Canada, Saskatchewan keeps the same time zone all year long.
- KitchenerToday.com/Rogers Media