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Russell deCarle Trio/Washboard Hank and The Wringers

Saturday, June 8, 2024 8:00 PM - 11:00 PM

In Concert - A DOUBLE BILL with Russell deCarle Trio/Washboard Hank and The Wringers!

Presented by: Black Fly Jam and The Algoma Conservatory of Music
Performance time: 8 pm
Doors open: 7 pm

@ The Loft, Algoma Conservatory of Music, 75 Huron St. Sault Ste. Marie

Tickets are $40 ...available through The Algoma Conservatory of Music website.

Enjoy a super-fun double bill, with a group of musicians that have a lot of talent as well as friendship to fall back upon!

Russell (yes, THAT Russell deCarle, of Prairie Oyster fame) is touring his new cd with a couple of the best players around, and the world gets more gorgeous as he and longtime humourist and professional player Washboard Hank intersect at the Hub of the Great Lakes. There's sure to be some tire-kickin' happening at this rally!

You may remember deCarle as the lead vocalist and bassist of the iconic Canadian country roots band Prairie Oyster. He is no stranger to awards and accolades — his “Oyster years” were rewarded with six Juno Awards, more than a dozen Canadian Country Music Awards and enough gold and platinum records and #1 singles to fill a living room wall.

The truth is, though, that Prairie Oyster was always more than a “country” band, and deCarle’s warm, burnished and intimate voice has always honoured an eclectic range of songs. His sultry guitar playing shines in this trio, where he is joined by Russ Boswell on bass and Steve Briggs on guitar.

Washboard Hank's exploits as singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, stage performer and comedic backwoods philosopher have delighted, surprised and entertained people for over 35 years.
Hank honed his skills as a street performer in some of the toughest urban settings of North America - his mission as a musician has always been to spread joy and to present the unexpected. In the 1980s, Hank performed with Reverend Ken (Ramsden) and the Lost Followers; after Ramsden left, the group became Washboard Hank and the Honkers. His slapup style of conversational humour was introduced to many when he began co-hosting a show, "The Country Cousins" on Peterborough's Trent Radio. The show was aired for more than 20 years.

Local audience will remember seeing Hank when he travelled for four years as a percussionist with Fred Eaglesmith and the Flying Squirrels.
The Stradovarious Washboard, from which he gets his name, is an unexplainable musical phenomenon, a conglomeration of bells, license plates, horns, duck calls, pots and pans, one that he plays with breathtaking virtuosity. It belongs to the same family of musical instruments as one of his other accoutrements, the Falopian Tuba, which looks uncannily like a kitchen sink.

Washboard Hank’s latest combo, The Wringers, features the wildly creative guitar playing of Sean Conway and the jazzy standup bass playing of Tyson Galloway.

The band also includes Sweet Mountain Muriel, who is perhaps best described as both the femme fatale muse, and schoolmarmish musical partner who keeps the Washboard man squeaky clean.

Check us out on Facebook for a steady supply of musical news.

We are grateful to produce these concerts in collaboration with The Algoma Conservatory of Music, and welcome you in person to this beautifully appointed venue to enjoy live music.